Episode 28

TAOT Lucifer S1E14


September 23rd, 2020

1 hr 3 mins 29 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

After the epic mid season finale we covered last week, we get a strong comeback from Luci. With a wife. We instantly fell in love with Candy, unlike Chloe. We debate if Mom is starting a redemption arch, and how badly Chloe is taking the whole situation. We wonder if Ames ever thinks for himself and praise Dan for being mature and supporting for once.
We mention The Heavy Woolies, the band of the co-showrunner Ildy Modrovich. Link to their spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1jBx8OtTfIsonYaK37hbhS and Iink to her tweet https://twitter.com/Ildymojo/status/1155233939146981376?s=20
There was one youtube only song Lina really liked: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNU7eepmTj0&ab_channel=TheObscurities
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Listen to the playlist on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5VI3suSs77JIoV6b8BmBvx?si=83z3fg-ZRGq3bMcJF31kbQ

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