Episode 82

TAOT Lucifer S5E11


December 15th, 2021

1 hr 9 mins 11 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

Join us in finding new and better reasons to hate Dad! And we found a whole bunch. We talk about parental issues and try to figure out why we feel a little unhappy about this specific episode. There is singing, there is complaining, there is loving, there is hating. THERE IS EVERYTHING!
As usual you can reach us via email at [email protected] or use our social media. Don't forget, summoning episode will be coming up soon(ish)!:
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Listen to the playlist on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5VI3suSs77JIoV6b8BmBvx?si=83z3fg-ZRGq3bMcJF31kbQ

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